WordPress Site for Special Event CLIENT ANCESTORS' DAY LAUNCHED 2014 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * A day to celebrate our ancestors * Website to promote the day and events
Read OnEnergy Efficiency Management System CLIENT CITY OF TORONTO (Note: This project was done by a founder before starting Giant Step) LAUNCHED 2001 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Produced an internal management system * Tracks an energy efficiency program * Upgrading appliances in municipal buildings * Reporting energy and financial savings ABOUT THE PROJECT As part of an energy efficiency program, the City of Toronto decided to change thousands of energy consuming appliances to better technologies that consume less electricity. The program was implemented in all City-owned buildings throughout the Greater Toronto Area. A database system was developed to keep track and report on all of the information regarding the energy efficiency program, including all upgraded equipment and corresponding energy and financial saving estimates.
Read OneCommerce for Annual Conference Registrations CLIENT SOCIETY OF ONTARIO ADJUDICATORS & REGULATORS LAUNCHED 2006/7/8/9/10 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Society of Ontario Justice Administrators * Online registration for conferences * Supporting ticket sales and operations
Read OnPrint Brochure for Home Energy Management Device CLIENT ASE ENERGY LAUNCHED 2016 Visit The Site
Read OnMobile Service Vendor Management Platform CLIENT AVEMA TECHNOLOGIES LAUNCHED 2015 Visit The Site HIGHLIGHTS * Interface and Usability Design * Some sample code
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