We also developed a unique Contest Marketing Platform called ComicReply. While there are tools to run photo and video contests, if you want to invite fans to create fan-art using your branded content assets (a Remix Contest where fans create comics, drawing, karaoke or other types of entries) - that's where ComicReply can help.
In the admin panel you can upload your branded content elements (backgrounds, characters, props, sounds, etc.) and generate a Remix Contest site or app for your brand. Then fans will create branded-personalized contest entries, share them to gain vote to win prizes... all while posting SEO-optimized branded content and spreading free advertising for your brand!
Essentially, ComicReply is an 'earned-media' multiplier platform - exciting your existing fans to create branded fan-art and bring friends.
We also created several branded social networking sites:
* WanderingMuse.net - Music Network extension to a Documentary Feature Film
* Rock The Vote - Youth Vote Promotion Network for the 2008 US Election
* Gogo's Crazy Bones - Collectible Toy Fans Network (with parent permission and limited features)
* Umpires Media - Baseball Fans Network, focused around interest in the rules (in progress)
* THE DISH - Youth Culture Magazine - Online Edition with Community Activities